Izami Florist Choice
Lilies, White Gerberas and Chocolate
Minty Fresh Bouquet
Mix Colorful Flowers And Teddy
Mixed Lily Bouquet
Description :
This bouquet contains radiant colourful orange and madonna lily. According to Greek myth, lilly is symbol of rebirth and motherhood. In China lilly is representation of love and good luck. Send this meaningful bouquet to someone who is a mother or going to be mother or someone you love and care for.
Pair this up with chocolates or drinks available in our website.
Mixed St Joseph Lily Bouquet
Mother’s Day Rose & Lily
Description :
This bouquet contains fresh Snapdragons, Gilly flowers , Texas bluebells , delicate garden roses, beautiful boat orchid, tulips and Lily. The combination of perfect colours and diversity of different flowers is speciality of this. Pair this beauty with chocolates and drinks from our website.