20 Rose & Red Door EDT
This is a beautiful combo never fails to bring joy and love to someone's special occasion and this bouquet has it all. It contains a bunch of beautiful bright red roses to make your close ones feel special. With that this hamper includes Elizabeth Arden Red Door which is a spicy, crisp , feminine , elegant , flower fragrance which includes red roses, jasmine , lilly , carnation , freesia , sandalwood and honey. We pair that bouquet and fragrance with classic Lindt heart shaped milk chocolate to complete the gift hamper.
Baby Hamper
Bouquet of Ferrero Rocher
Citrus Fruit Basket
Coffee & Chocolate Hamper
Eternal Love
Eternal Mother Bouquet
Exotic Red Roses Arrangement
Heart Roses Arrangement Valentines Day
Heart Roses Ferrero Rocher Arrangement
JC Le Roux Gift Delight
La Motte Special Gift Box
Description :
Product contains La motte wine, which is an earthy, dusty nose with fruits (Raspberry, mulberry) and hints of mint with cinnamon spice. This wine won China wine and spirits awards in 2020. Gift this to someone and make their day special. To pair this spicy, fruity, earthy wine we added Lindt chocolate at this gif box to balance your taste buds.